
Dr Anupama Ramachandran

The Managing Director and Chief Consultant of Pran Fertility & Well Woman Centre, is instrumental in the service of patients who are distressed with gynaecological and infertility related complications. Her proficiency and commitment in the field gave her boundless laurels. The prodigious academic as well as professional achievements shows the inbuilt perseverance in her. She paced a long way to pursue her passion in 'high risk obstetrics and infertility.

A very proficient student in her, successfully completed MBBS (1996)and DGO(2003) and DNB (National Board otExaminations, 2005) from Medical College, Trivandrum. The urge for expertise made her pursue further studies in MNAMS (2006) from National Academy of Medical Science and P.G Diploma in UltraSonography (2006) from Annamalai University, Coimbatore.

The vast knowledge that she earned through the extensive scholastic skill, was put into practice through her career initially as a registrar obstetrics and Gynecology at KIMS hospital, Trivandrum (July 05-Jan '06).

Later, she extended her service as a consultant at Fertility research and gynaec centre, KJK hospital, Trivandrum (Feb'06- Jan'10).She gathered popularity as an infertility specialist when she was working as chief fertility consultant at PRSHospital, Trivandrum( feb 2010- Oct 2014).She shaped her own brain-child, being the director and consultant of PRAN fertility centre, Trivandrum.

Dr.Anupama, then developed and reframed the centre into an highly specialised, individualised centre, as PRAN fertility & Well woman centre, Kumarapuram, Trivandrum . The prowess in her, is widely acknowledged overseas that she became the visiting consultant of the Maldicare Hospital, based in Maldives, for the past four years