
How it Works?

Genetic Testing

How to collect your Saliva?

Do's or Don'ts

Do NOT Eat, Drink, Smoke or Chew Gum, 1 Hr before taking sample. Clean your mouth with water / saline water before taking sample.

Rub both your cheeks with both hands on the outside (in circular movements) for 30 secs to stimulate saliva. Repeat same step if required to produce more saliva.

Personalized Genomics to plan your health

The day that many of us waited for is here

Genomics has profoundly changed the way we understood disease. It has taken diagnosis to levels that are at the height of precision, and solutions to being highly personal. Let us see how:

Genes carry distinct instructions to make you, to run you and even repair you. The 3-letter secret codes, when deciphered by tiny machines in the cells, usually results in the formation of a
protein or enzyme.

But a slight change in the code can either alter the enzyme produced, or can prevent their formation as such, resulting in an undesirable health condition. This could be a receding hairline, loss of hair, diabetes, pigmentation, lack of collagen, or even cancer.

See All Wellness Genomics

The 23 Chapters

Until now, the treatment was in a “one size fits all” mode. Genomics has provided a giant technological leap in medicine to personalized and precise treatment. If you can think of your genome as a book, each letter in it can be read by a technique called sequencing.

Every person’s genome is unique. You only need to read certain chapters of the book to track down the genes that create mischief or has the potential to do so. The next step would be drafting correction plans for the rogue genes and the treatment will be specifically tailored to suit that particular genomic makeup.

The degree of precision is of the highest order in this line of personalized treatment. And no surprise, it is very effective too.

Personalized genomics can not only help in choosing the best treatment module and the most appropriate drugs, but also predict the chances of an individual getting affected by a disease.

It can effectively be used to advise couples who want to have children, especially if one of the parents carry a genetic disorder. In a more serious or difficult situation, it gives you time to prepare or take evasive action against diseases, as in the case of cancer.

Oh My Gene

In this era of revolutionary and precise genomic medicine, OhMyGene helps people make early and informed health decisions. If you are worried about any health condition that runs in the family, our genetic counsellor will give you an idea about the screening tests available.

Genetic counselling is a process of understanding the genetic contribution to the disease. The counsellor will first check out whether the condition has a genetic basis and if yes, she will estimate the chances of another relative getting affected.

Interpreting genetic tests will help to estimate the risk of disease. It will also explore ways to minimize risks to affected individuals. We can together work out a treatment regimen with drugs, exercise routines and diets that work the
best for you.

Take The First Step

Our Genetic Counsellors are available for a Consultation on prior appointment. Once your genetic results are ready, we fix your convenient time to explain your personalized Report.

Talk To Genetic Counsellor

+91 8891 650 505

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Sometimes, one gene may affect more than one trait/ disease. And at times, many genes are associated with one trait/ disease. The gene associations mentioned are from scientific findings and globally published reports. Genomic Testing is a genetic screening of the important genes and does not replace your medical checkups or other diagnostic tests. Do not make decisions about your health solely based on the information contained in your gene report. Always consult with a licensed and experienced medical practitioner when you receive your gene report.