OMG Genestrology

The Best Health Investment for your Family !

Genestrology is the Ultimate Gene Test for checking Comprehensive Health. Genestrology checks the role of the most important Genes in your body linked to over 100 + Health Conditions !

When you decide to get your Genestrology and you find out to have a genetic chance for certain health conditions, you can consult your Doctor for the right course of action. Early detection helps to plan life
with confidence.

Wouldn’t knowing your Health in advance give a sense of
Relief for you & your Family ?
Genestrology can also be a Gift for your loved one.


Our Comprehensive Health check looks at 8000 + genes to understand your susceptibility to 100+ health conditions, caused by your Genetics.

OhMyGene offers a Simple & Painless Saliva Test from home, to predict your Health and Wellness

Why Genestrology™️ ?


Painless Self Sampling & Home Based Test


Early Detection & Health Is Wealth


Personalised Genetic Counselling


Personalised Genetic Report with Recommendations

Your Life after Genestrology™️

A Positive result for a disease can
direct you towards early monitoring and treatment options.

A Negative result can eliminate the need for unnecessary check-ups and screening tests in some cases.

Understanding your comprehensive genetics gives an insight to customizing a healthy life.

How it Works?

Genetic Testing

Genestrology™️ Health Conditions

Customer Testimonial

Take The First Step

Our Genetic Counsellors are available for a Consultation on prior appointment. Once your genetic results are ready, we fix your convenient time to explain your personalized Report.

Talk To Genetic Counsellor - +91 8891 650 505

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Sometimes, one gene may affect more than one trait/ disease. And at times, many genes are associated with one trait/ disease. The gene associations mentioned are from scientific findings and globally published reports. Genomic Testing is a genetic screening of the important genes and does not replace your medical checkups or other diagnostic tests. Do not make decisions about your health solely based on the information contained in your gene report. Always consult with a licensed and experienced medical practitioner when you receive your gene report.

Know Your Child

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Book a Genomic Test

In this era of revolutionary and precise genomic medicine, OhMyGene helps people make early and informed health decisions. We engage in continual research and develop scientifically proven genomic tests to help people live with confidence.